Wednesday, October 10, 2012

LAD #9

Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address:
     Thomas Jefferson starts out his Address by giving a thank you to everyone who helped him, and then he begins to discuss the nation he now leads. He describes America as a "rising nation" and talks about its rapid growth and beauty as a country. He mentions the constitution and how it will help to guide us through the "troubled world" we find ourselves in.
     He then continues to touch on common good and the freedom of speech within the Constitution. Now, he then goes on to point out the importance of protecting not only the majority, but indeed the minority as well. That although we wish to benefit the most people, we simply cannot forget the others that fall under the umbrella of less voiced groups. He talks about protecting everyone.
     It shouldn't surprise us that he then goes on to discuss the pursuit of happiness. How it is truly achieved in this day and age.
     Jefferson doesn't stop there, as he states again the freedoms of the people. " freedom of religion; freedom of the press, and freedom of person" he says, and he says that with these things we can find the road that leads to 'peace, liberty, and safety'.
      He finishes off by saying he is forever grateful and prepared for the position he has been given. and he wishes only for happiness and freedom for every single American citizen. Ending with the very powerful "And may that Infinite Power which rules the destinies of the universe lead our councils to what is best, and give them a favorable issue for your peace and prosperity.". What wonderful speaker.

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