Sunday, March 24, 2013

LAD #36

LAD #36: Truman Doctrine
        The Truman Doctrine was created during the Cold War in attempts to stop the spread of communism. The U.S. was fine with keeping communism where is was, as long as it didn't go anywhere else. The U.S. offered to give a tremendous amount of money to Turkey and Greece so that they wouldn't fall to this form of government. It has been proved that communism rises from poverty and desperation. Both countries were not doing well and were surrounded by communist countries. The hope was that if we stopped these countries from being poor, they would not fall. This was proved to be very successful and later in the Cold War, Turkey, as sign of thanks allowed us to build missiles on their land.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LAD #35

LAD #35: FDR's Executive Order #9066
       Pearl Harbor caused panic throughout the nation in more way then one. The people of America were really shook up and worried constantly about another attack. This brought with it a lot of angst and racial tensions between the American people and Japanese immigrants or even Japanese Americans. Due to all this tension and horrible fear, the Executive Order #9066 was put into order. This was a terrible act, making it legal for Americans to collect and place all the Japanese in one specific place so that they could be watched. Even innocent civilians were taken from their homes and placed elsewhere. The act called for respect as well.

Monday, March 11, 2013

LAD #34

LAD #34: FDR's Declaration of War
        December 1941. Pearl Habor. The single event that brought panic and havic to the people of the United States. It was the straw to break the camels back as they say, and Roosevelt has finally had enough. So many innocent souls died in the attack and it was time to stand up for them and many others. Joining the war was going to single handedly get them out of the depression. Bring them out of this slump and introduce the industries to new products and fuel jobs and bring more money into circulation. During Roosevelts speech he addressed the key specifics to the event making sure that the people knew why they were going to war after all this time of burying their heads in the sand. He talked about Japans other horrible actions to other countries, to also let the people know that we were in this for ourselves and others as well. He was going to ensure American safety and claim victory for this beloved country.

Monday, March 4, 2013

LAD #33

                                                                                     LAD #33 - FDR's First Inaugural Address
             Towards the end of President Hoovers term the economy had taken an unfortunate turn for the worse and the public wanted to ensure a change in office that could better improve their condition. They looked no further then Roosevelt! He was a strong choice and during his address he attempted to calm the nation and inform them that he will do his very best to turn things around. His most famous quote is 'the only thing to fear is fear itself'! This truly demonstrated the kind of person he really was. He wasn't a forgotten presidents, he promised a strong government for strong people. He said this hard time in America would only make us stronger and help us to grow. Essentially he wanted to make sure something like this never happened again.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

LAD #32

LAD #32 - Kellogg Briand Pact
         Otherwise known as the Kellogg Peace Pact was signed between the U.S. and 62 other countries. It was designed so that the countries coundn't use war at means of negociation. It was signed on August 27 1928 and was a very big deal. It was also designed to help fuel economies and bring other countries together. It was a very idealistic and basically a hope for peace throughout the world. The U.S. helped enforce the treaty and make sure it was kept in play.