Monday, March 11, 2013

LAD #34

LAD #34: FDR's Declaration of War
        December 1941. Pearl Habor. The single event that brought panic and havic to the people of the United States. It was the straw to break the camels back as they say, and Roosevelt has finally had enough. So many innocent souls died in the attack and it was time to stand up for them and many others. Joining the war was going to single handedly get them out of the depression. Bring them out of this slump and introduce the industries to new products and fuel jobs and bring more money into circulation. During Roosevelts speech he addressed the key specifics to the event making sure that the people knew why they were going to war after all this time of burying their heads in the sand. He talked about Japans other horrible actions to other countries, to also let the people know that we were in this for ourselves and others as well. He was going to ensure American safety and claim victory for this beloved country.

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