Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality" and "LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address."

LAD #6
    The proclamation was an announcement made by the United States (George Washington at the time), which basically claimed the states to be neutral when it came to the conflict going on between France and Great Britain. It said that Americas could not help or aid either country int he war as well.

LAD #7
    The address was written by Washington (first president of the United States) after 45 years of his service. It was written to the people about his decline and all in all his presidency. He talked about all the great things that had happened, and the issues America faced. He was originally going to write it after his first term, but after being re-elected and heading so many things, he decided to stay on till the end of his third term in office.

Republican Motherhood Blog

1.       Within the Revolution a new outlook on woman had arose. They were now dubbed responsible for raising the children of the every bright America. As stated in Doc A, "Lt is the "nursery of the future man and of the undying spirit"; and is woman is the nurse and educator.
2.   There were quite a few downfalls to the Republican Motherhood. The main thing being that the understanding was that woman did not have a place outside of the home. It was projected that their were no other options. As boldly put in Doc D, "If she makes that delightful and salutary-the adobe of order and purity, though she may never leave the threshold"
3.      Well as mentioned in Doc D, "her province to adorn social life" shows that woman were expected to be very social within their home society. Now in the modern day life you still see suburban house parties or book clubs between the housewives of today.

    1. The setting is      
    2.      The son is at the center of the picture which indicates his importance, and this painting proves to be republican as the woman is the sole care-giver their, caring for her son.
    3.      He son is very young and bold, looks to be bold and bright-eyed.
    4.      Her arm is supporting her son, which could symbolize how the woman cares for and supports her children.

Monday, September 24, 2012

LAD: Federalist #10 PHOTO

LAD: Federalist #10

1. Why are factions so difficult to eliminate?
In order to remove a faction, you would need to either take away a liberty or give all the people the same opinion. Since the later is imposable and the previous is rather disliked they pose a difficult problem when it comes to elimination.

2. If factions cannot be removed then how can they be controlled?
Their are several ways  to control the effects of factions. If the faction is for the minority, you need to ensure that the majority do not all share the same interest against the faction, or else you are at risk for oppression. People can argue that if the faction does not benefit the most people, then it is unnecessary. But this is untrue for their are some groups of people who  require certain rights, even though those rights are not tied in to 'the majority'. If you have a majority benefitting from the faction, you need to ensure that their is to be not bitterness from the minority. As you can see, thier is no 'black and white' answer.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog #4 - Revolution Article

[1] More Americans died during the Civil War then they did in any other war, including the World Wars I and II.
[2] Even though more people died in the Civil War, a much greater percent of the population of colonists died in the Revolutionary War.
[3] The most well known paintings of the Revolutionary War were not always accurate, and they also never portrayed actual battle scenes. Whereas when the Civil war was taking place, cameras has just come to be so gruesome battle scenes wee easily portrayed.
[4] Soldiers in the Revolutionary War had far worse weapons, so they actually fought mostly close range, bayonet charges and hand to hand combat was actually common.
[5] During a harsh winter in the Revolutionary War, not only the British soldiers but the American soldiers ran out of food and lost many to starvation or freezing.
Battle of Bunker Hill -Percy Moran

Monday, September 17, 2012

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

[1] Democratic Principles: The idea that all men are equal and should therefore have equal rights. This in turn went on to how everyone should have an equal say, and equal vote. In the past the rich had always held all the power and they did not want that to be the case. Freedom and equality was the memo for the Declaration. In all, they wanted what was best fir the people.

[2] Grievances: Their grievances talked about how the King did not think for the good of the majority. They listed off things that they found were unjust, such as "cutting off our trade with all parts of the world", "For imposing taxes on us without our consent" and a very important one, "For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury". Something they found to be extremely unjust.

[3] Conclusion: They Declaration finishes off by stating that the King had not listened to their problems, and that they (the Americans) were not British, but that of the later. American. The direct quote it "A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people". Announcing in fact that the King can no longer rule over them, they are claiming Independence. Finally, they pronounce themselves as "free and independent states", and remove themselves from the crown.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

[1] Zenger was a newspaper publisher in New York for the New York Weekly Journal. He often wrote opposing viewpoints and gossip.

[2] Zenger was charged with 'seditious libel' after his journal continued to post bashing articles about the royal governor. His claim was, that even though what was being said wasn't good, it was true. And this cemented the idea of freedom of press for the future.

[3] After the trial their was now freedom of press, and people were able to write about whatever they wanted. If you think about it, so much of what people write about other people in articles, newspapers, ect., are things those person doesn't want being said. But because of freedom of press, people of the rights to write it anyways. Thus changing the world of American press forever.
[4] The significance of this trial is great for many reasons. The biggest one is this opened up more freedom and rights for the people. It also paved the way for more free speech and press (see # 3)

The picture to the right
is a representation of the Zenger
trial, presented to the State

Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of CT, PHOTOS

The picture below is a copy of the origanol Mayflower Compact (1620).
This picture below is a paiting of what the creaters of the Fundamental Order of CT (1639) may have looked like while they created the document.

Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of CT

[1] The main concept within the Mayflower Compact was creating the first colony in Virginia. It also talks about (on many occasions) the grace of god and the Christian faith. Another concept is that all the laws, acts, ect., 'shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony'

[2] It reflects the 'Old World' in the sense that everything is being done in the word of god and for the king, but also reflects the 'New World' as they mention the focus is for the good of the colony (not the good of the king or main power).

[3] The two documents prove very different. Whereas in the M. C. there are the same ideas as in the Fundamental Order of CT, but with in the Order everything is played out and very specific. Within the Order, they took the ideas of the M. C. and wrote it out into a constitution clear as day.

[4] Connecticut wanted to be able to be one with the Public State or Commonwealth. They wish to 'maintain and preserve the liberty' and also to keep the gospel of Jesus alive and well.

[5] You see many times over and over within the Order of CT the determination for not having a certain person or group maintain all the power. It is clear that they desire to have the power with the people. For example, of rule is "that no person be chosen Governor above once in two years" thus ensuring one person cannot maintain power for an elongated period of time. Even for the people who have power, they are still ruled with the people. Another example is "that the deputies thus chosen shall have power and liberty to appoint atime and a place of meeting together before any General Court, to advise and consult of all such things as may concern the good of the public".

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


its margo and i have no idea how this works but i guess this is a blog so... here we go! (: