Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

[1] Zenger was a newspaper publisher in New York for the New York Weekly Journal. He often wrote opposing viewpoints and gossip.

[2] Zenger was charged with 'seditious libel' after his journal continued to post bashing articles about the royal governor. His claim was, that even though what was being said wasn't good, it was true. And this cemented the idea of freedom of press for the future.

[3] After the trial their was now freedom of press, and people were able to write about whatever they wanted. If you think about it, so much of what people write about other people in articles, newspapers, ect., are things those person doesn't want being said. But because of freedom of press, people of the rights to write it anyways. Thus changing the world of American press forever.
[4] The significance of this trial is great for many reasons. The biggest one is this opened up more freedom and rights for the people. It also paved the way for more free speech and press (see # 3)

The picture to the right
is a representation of the Zenger
trial, presented to the State

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