Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog #4 - Revolution Article

[1] More Americans died during the Civil War then they did in any other war, including the World Wars I and II.
[2] Even though more people died in the Civil War, a much greater percent of the population of colonists died in the Revolutionary War.
[3] The most well known paintings of the Revolutionary War were not always accurate, and they also never portrayed actual battle scenes. Whereas when the Civil war was taking place, cameras has just come to be so gruesome battle scenes wee easily portrayed.
[4] Soldiers in the Revolutionary War had far worse weapons, so they actually fought mostly close range, bayonet charges and hand to hand combat was actually common.
[5] During a harsh winter in the Revolutionary War, not only the British soldiers but the American soldiers ran out of food and lost many to starvation or freezing.
Battle of Bunker Hill -Percy Moran

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