Sunday, January 6, 2013

LAD #23

LAD #23 - The Populist Party Platform

The Populist Party first and foremost was against big business. It began in the 19th century from an alliance of farmers fighting for better conditions and protection of their rights. During elections the Populist party actually became the 3rd independent party and proved well supported. The party saw the corruption of big business and was disgusted by the thousands of neglected poor working class being used to make even more for the very wealthy. On top the that populists took things out on other parties, saying that they weren't taking great enough actions towards all the madness. Bottom line, it was time government became more involved and helped the common people. The government should also tame the big telephone and railroad companies, to make sure the average American is still being benefited. They also tapped into immigration restrictions so that more jobs could go to the real citizens of the country, rather then immigrants from other countries. The party in turn found that Labor Unions identified perfectly with the parties beliefs and were highly encouraged. The platform in which they stood on, was the platform of the people.

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