Sunday, January 6, 2013

LAD #24

LAD #24 - William Jennings Bryan's Cross of Gold Speech

        The "Cross of Gold" speech was delivered in 1896 by William Jennings Bryan, the Democrat from Nebraska. He was well liked by the Democratic National Convention and following his speech he was them nominated to run as a candidate in the 1896 as well as the 1900 and 1908 elections. Bryan all together supports the working man. He claims that the work done out west is just as important as the work done by the business man. He in turn applauds Andrew Jackson, and his efforts for  trying to return the government to the hard working people of America. Bryan wanted to address the main money issue that was primarily being debated and quite the hot topic. He believes the coinage of silver would make a great impact and endorses the idea of silver versus gold ration at 16:1. Because of his passion and support behind the idea, his party became known as the silver democrats.

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