Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD #20

LAD #20 Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation 1863:
The Emancipation Proclamation was a huge movement when it came to slavery in the south. It declared that slaves who fought with the Union during the Civil War were free forever. Freedom, when fighting for freedom. The government promised to protect there rights as real American citizens and those who try and violate them will have to deal with the legal consequences. This applied to all states that were not only nutural but also in the rebellious states as well. Many slaves chose to fight in the Civil War because of this.

LAD #19

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LAD #19 Lincolns Second Inaugural Address:

Lincoln starts out his second address with talking about the very serious current issues such as the secession and the constant fight with slavery. It was hard because things hadn't really gotten better and its believed that the one reason Lincoln won the election was due to the fact he had recently won a battle against the confederacy. The Union was still broken and crumbling and neither side wanted war. Lincoln wouldn't take the breaking apart as acceptable and looked at it as if the biggest thing to do was to keep the states together. United or die. He and everyone else never imagined that it could possibly escalate to the height it did. Innocent Americans dying on either side was not what they wanted. None the less Lincoln believes god has his own plan for the war, and what happens is now up to him. He wanted most of all after reuniting, to heal the nations wounds and to bring it back together as one whole unit. Abraham Lincoln wanted to bring care and love back into the Union, and bring us all together while we did that.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

LAD #18

LAD #18 Dred Scott Decision:
Dred Scott versus. Sanford case which took place in Feburary of 1857 was a very important case especially when it came to the hotly debated topic of slavery. The head of the supreme justice at the time of Rodger B. Taney and the topic of the case was mainly whether or not the accussed was free or not. This was during the time when slavery was so contriversal the nation was almost completely devided. The ruling was not one anyone had predicted as the judge claimed he couldnt even sue because he wasnt even a citizen. Not only that but he was considered property, and of corse property couldnt sue either. A heartbreaking blow to the abolitionist parties. He also stated that Congress had zero right to abolish slavery within the states. Unfortunitly this also made the point that slaves couldnt be taken from thier owners and leading into the fact that runaway slaves had to be retunred.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog #17

Sojourners Truths 'Aint I a Woman' Speech 1851:

Sojourners point throughout her speech was to talk about how whites and blacks are treated so differently. She talks about personal experience as she herself is a woman, but she is treated so poorly. She has been whipped, and beaten. Shes mothered 13 children most of which became slaves. Whereas the white woman is a delicate little tea cake that is treated with the utmost kindness and respect. Where is the equality? Another point she makes is that she finds herself in need of education. And if she is less smart then a white man as they claim, shouldn't she be taught in order to be equally if not as smart as men? She finishes by saying it is women's turn to take over the world and make things right again. Feminist power at its finest.

Blog #16

Frederick Douglas Fifth of July Speech:

Frederick was a speaker at the 4th of July celebration in Corinthian Hall in Rochester NY. It was odd because he gave his speech a day later, and he brings up the question of how does the fourth of the July really represent freedom to a slave that doesn't have it? He doesn't find the celebration to be heartfelt because thousands of blacks live in American without any freedom at all. He even goes to say its a worse day then usual for the African American population. What is his point? Slavery is vile and cruel and we as Americans are selfish and ignorant if we can celebrate freedom when we don't even support it.

LAD #15

Lincolns Gettysburg Address:

From the beginning of his presidency Lincoln was adement on making sure the Union was to be preserved. Unfortunately for him is of course fell apart with the secession of certain states. But he refuses to give up and reveals how he intends to renite the nation once more. He of course wants freedom and equality for all people in America and sides with the North in order to ablosh slavery and protect the rights of thousands. Lincoln never wants us to forget the war, how it started, why is happened, and what our men died for. He knows that the fate of America does not lie with him, but with the people. Why should good American men die for nothing? Be the good in America. He wanted to ensure that all the lives that were lost weren't just meaningless people fighting a war. But heroes fighting for freedom. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

LAD #14

Lincolns Inaugural Address:

The issue over slavery has become a increasingly painful so Lincoln starts out by addressing it instantly. His main concern appears to be conserving the Union so he announces he is not going to remove slavery from the South. He also talks about how runaway slaves are technically their owners even after they have runaway. Meaning they can be returned to slavery at any time. Lincoln believes that although the issues of slavery are very severe, they are not going anywhere. He understands how dangerous and unfortunite things could become but he says the key to success is the unity of the states. United States of America. We cannot be enemies if we want to succeed.

LAD #13

John Calhoun's 1850 Speech:

This speech (indirectly given by John Calhoun) was a debate on the hot topic of slavery. Tension occured between states but mainly there appeared a line between the North and the South. The Souths economy was based on slavery, and it was an important aspect of their lives. The North had to need for slaves and found the imprisoning or owning of slaves was very wrong. Also, parties were forming and they too were drawing lines. Not only were the topics of slavery seemingly between North and South, so were the political parties. The Whigs represented the Northerners and the Democrats mostly West and South. Calhouns main concern was for the Union and hoping that it would survive. He wanted to find a solution that would benefit everyone. Calhoun offers the solution of settling and attending to the South needs in order to avoid/postpone cessession.

LAD # 12

Polk's War:
John Slidell, was sent to Mexico to calm relations between countries but was rejected. This resulted in America invading Mexico and loosing lives. Slidell was positive that the Mexican government would come to its senses. He was turned away from the government and a revolution took place. The government became military based but they still didn't accept him. They refused to talk to Americans. American forces were being assembled to invade Mexico (as they already had Texas). Troops were told to invade but not aggressively, this is not go over well as some were still killed. Polk argued that America declared war because Mexico was no longer useful as a separate country and peace was non-existent. So the Mexicans declared war on America officially and it was done.

Monday, November 12, 2012

LAD # 11

The Seneca Falls Declaration:
Woman's rights movements really kicked off when the Seneca Falls Declaration took place. It was a decisively big step for the activists of the time. This Declaration talked about all the grievances as the time and how women deserved to be equal as equals.  It talks about womans role in society and their current role in life today. In it, it also mentions how woman are treated as property; a degrading untrue fact of the day. All in all it spoke out about the rights, freedoms, and unhappiness of women everywhere.