Saturday, November 24, 2012

LAD #18

LAD #18 Dred Scott Decision:
Dred Scott versus. Sanford case which took place in Feburary of 1857 was a very important case especially when it came to the hotly debated topic of slavery. The head of the supreme justice at the time of Rodger B. Taney and the topic of the case was mainly whether or not the accussed was free or not. This was during the time when slavery was so contriversal the nation was almost completely devided. The ruling was not one anyone had predicted as the judge claimed he couldnt even sue because he wasnt even a citizen. Not only that but he was considered property, and of corse property couldnt sue either. A heartbreaking blow to the abolitionist parties. He also stated that Congress had zero right to abolish slavery within the states. Unfortunitly this also made the point that slaves couldnt be taken from thier owners and leading into the fact that runaway slaves had to be retunred.

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