Sunday, November 18, 2012

LAD #13

John Calhoun's 1850 Speech:

This speech (indirectly given by John Calhoun) was a debate on the hot topic of slavery. Tension occured between states but mainly there appeared a line between the North and the South. The Souths economy was based on slavery, and it was an important aspect of their lives. The North had to need for slaves and found the imprisoning or owning of slaves was very wrong. Also, parties were forming and they too were drawing lines. Not only were the topics of slavery seemingly between North and South, so were the political parties. The Whigs represented the Northerners and the Democrats mostly West and South. Calhouns main concern was for the Union and hoping that it would survive. He wanted to find a solution that would benefit everyone. Calhoun offers the solution of settling and attending to the South needs in order to avoid/postpone cessession.

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