Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD #19

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LAD #19 Lincolns Second Inaugural Address:

Lincoln starts out his second address with talking about the very serious current issues such as the secession and the constant fight with slavery. It was hard because things hadn't really gotten better and its believed that the one reason Lincoln won the election was due to the fact he had recently won a battle against the confederacy. The Union was still broken and crumbling and neither side wanted war. Lincoln wouldn't take the breaking apart as acceptable and looked at it as if the biggest thing to do was to keep the states together. United or die. He and everyone else never imagined that it could possibly escalate to the height it did. Innocent Americans dying on either side was not what they wanted. None the less Lincoln believes god has his own plan for the war, and what happens is now up to him. He wanted most of all after reuniting, to heal the nations wounds and to bring it back together as one whole unit. Abraham Lincoln wanted to bring care and love back into the Union, and bring us all together while we did that.

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