Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD #28

             LAD #28: Wilson's First Inaugural Address:
During the election of 1912, there was a decisive split between Roosevelt (the progressive candidate) and Taft (Republican) and the win actually went to Wilson (the Democratic nominee). Representing the lower classes and the working people of American won him a lot of votes in the end. Wilson could see all the evils that were coming with the industrialization and he wanted to stop it. He said this needed to be a time to restore what used to be. He promoted better working conditions, higher pay, and a happier common man. Wilson knew there was a lot of regulation that needed to be done, especially in the food market (thus leading to the creation of the Pure Food and Drug Act). He wanted a society based on morals and respect. Things needed to return to the way they were. Wilson was extremely hopeful and dreamed of the best for America.

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