Tuesday, February 12, 2013

LAD #31

LAD #31: Wilson's Fourteen Points
         Following the end of the World War in 1918, the leaders of Europe and the U.S. met without Germany to discuss war terms. Many of the European countries were very bitter and they wanted nothing but revenge for what Germany did to them and their countries. Wilson on the other hand looked back on American history and knew the harsh effects of beating down too hard. The south was still bitter for the way they were treated during reconstruction and he didn't want that to happen here too. He suggested fourteen points that he considered very reasonable and necessary. Things like freedom of seas, and no economic boundaries. It ended with the creation of a peace keeping organization in which all the countries would join and meet in order to keep problems at bay. Unfortunitely the countries being bitter as they were, through out all but the last point and developed the fluffy idealistic League of Nations, which was really no match for the issues that Europe still possessed. The U.S. was very upset with this and never signed the treaty. Surprisingly the U.S never joined the League as well.

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