Saturday, February 2, 2013

LAD #29

               LAD #29: Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
               In 1916 Senator Beveridge proposed the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act which was passed shortly after. The purpose of the Bill was to regulate child labor in factories around the country. It also banned the sale of anything sold by companies endorsing child labor (e.i. employing children under the age of 14 and also mines employing those younger than 16). Children were also not allowed to work more than 8 hours a day. The government had the power to control interstate commerce which helped them control the Act. President Wilson was of course all for the bill as it helped remove some of the evil and corruption from America. Unfortunitely, congress dubbed it unconstitutional. The Act got people thinking about how much child labor needed to be removed, even though it took a very long long time to get it regulated and ended.

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